Friday, December 4, 2009

Gone but Not Forgotten

Does anyone have photos and/or memories of the old train depot? The Drake Hotel? The Iron Horse? We'd like to post some here -- and any other memories and images of Alliance history.


  1. How about baboons at the old tennis courts, swans, water lilies at the park and the Candy Snap. Oooh, I can almost taste the candied apples now. Kay (Percival) Hanf

  2. Kay, if you can scare up some pictures, we'll post 'em! Do you have any detailed memories of Alliance's old menagerie that we could spin into a yarn?

    There was an aviary full of parrots or parakeets in Alliance's Central Park at some point, too, right? I'm sure PETA would not have approved of any of it. Probably why the exhibits didn't survive. That, and the harsh winters. How did the baboons tolerate that, I wonder?

    Thanks for joining the conversation! I'd love to talk to the animal keeper, wouldn't you? I'm sure that person is long gone now. But maybe someone out there knows something.... Anyone?

  3. Who is the only Presidential Candidate ever to have announced his candidacy in ALLIANCE NE? I think there was even a picture in the Times.

  4. It wasn't Goldwater, was it? I'm going to have to do some Googling now....

  5. Bob Kerrey? This is getting embarrassing. I hope for my sake it's someone obscure.

  6. Two questions for Patrick: Did this happen in your lifetime, and did this person become president or just a candidate? The various meanings of the word "alliance" really muck up the Google results.

  7. Yes it happened in my lifetime and I remember it as if it were yesterday. I have seen a picture of the event but I can't say where it is and no HE did NOT get elected.
